If you have been working hard at dating or even just on yourself, to change your past patterns and you haven’t found success, there may be a very important step you are overlooking.
Your Phone Is Stupid, and It's Making You Stupid 📱😱
In a few years, we are going to look back at our relationship with phones, and consider it barbaric. We are in denial about this. We make excuses constantly. To be very blunt, essentially, the phone is evil and it does evil things to you. And you, like a lemming, comply.
5 Tips to Avoid Being Ghosted Forever 🚫👻
One of the main complaints I hear from daters is about BEING GHOSTED.
Ghosting is a pretty new term. I know because my 80-year old dad said “huh, what’s that?” He stopped dating before computers, texting and online dating sites. You could still ghost someone in those days– but nobody was talking about it.
Popcorning: What it is, Why You Do it, And Why you Have to Stop
Popcorning: Interrupting your partner (popping in) to get attention on whatever you want to discuss. Distinguishing feature: it could happen at any time!
Couples have been complaining about “popcorning'' for years but it got WAY worse in the pandemic when we were all living on top of each other.
Determining Your Type in 3 Easy Steps
It’s easy to think that “your type” is some elusive thing, but it’s not: IT’S A SACRED THING!
And I want you to reclaim it!
#1 Dating Tool: How to Use the 3H Chart Whether You're on the Hunt Or Long-Term Committed
Once you start using this incredibly useful dating tool, the 3H chart, you can say goodbye to heartbreak.
What, you may be asking, are the 3H’s?
Your Parents, and Why You Suck at Love the Same Ways They Did
A lot of you picked for the wrong reasons. Maybe the person satisfied one, or two, but not all three, and you thought you couldn’t have it all. But maybe you still can–with a little bit of work!
Top 5 Mistakes Women Make in Dating and How to Avoid Them
I’m going to try to keep this one brief. In order to be happy in dating, and in your long term love life, you need to be satisfying all 3 of your internal voters (your 3Hs)…
Become More Competent at Love: Learn the Art of The Bandaid Trade 🩹
It’s scary to rip off a bandaid. That's why you just have to commit and do it all at once. It stings for a few seconds, and then it’s over –the wound can breathe, and do its last steps of healing!
Giving your partner feedback about something that is not working is a lot like that.
Do You Have Integrity in Love? It's Urgent You Analyze These 3 Things!
Have you ever asked yourself if you have integrity when it comes to love?
Most people don’t think of integrity the way the Handel Group lays it out. The Handel Method™ teaches that there are 3 levels or forms of integrity…
The Mind-Blowing Truth About Fake Orgasms! A Go-To Guide to More Pleasure
According to Journal of Sex Research, 67% of heterosexual women admit to occasionally faking orgasms. And just remember, that’s the number that’s admitting it! Here’s another fun statistic. Only 20 percent of men think their partners might fake their orgasms…
Are you Addicted to A Person? 🤔 Use this Free 6-Step Detox To Believe in Love Again, Now.
Sometimes your inability to get over someone reaches the level of an addiction, which means you feel like you have no control over what your head is busy thinking about.
How do you know you’re addicted?
15 Excuses for Bad Relationships and Why They Are Actually Certified Crap 💩
Not everyone can afford private coaching, but everyone deserves somebody to help them debunk their favorite excuses about why relationships don’t work.
Allow me to debunk the most popular 15 excuses I hear, by category….
Are You Having The Right Amount And Kind Of Sex, According To Experts?
I have never worked with a couple that didn’t need to talk more about sex. So let me get the ball rolling!
These Excuses are Killing Your Relationship
Everyone makes excuses about their relationship. I know I did. My first round had to do with being better than most, then I blamed my partner and then finally resorted to believing I had tried everything.
There is nothing wrong with excuses except t
My Favorite Dream Writing Exercises
I’ve been trying to impress upon you how important it is to assess your purpose, and your values, when it comes to your relationship. If you haven’t already done the compare and discuss exercise with your mate, DO IT! It’s a great start to creating a jointly held dream.
The Step by Step Guide to Figuring Out What You Really Want
Last week, I told you I’d explain how my sense of priorities in relationship changed over the course of coaching. I had to reexamine my values because what I was valuing when I came to coaching wasn’t giving me the relationship I really wanted…
I Found a Better Purpose for My Marriage, Have You?
I promised I would give you some examples of purposes from former clients, and here they are…
Why My Coach had a Great Marriage and I Didn’t
"What’s the purpose of my marriage?" I had never asked myself that question…
How I Almost Lost My Marriage
The only reason I ever shaped up in my marriage is because I realized I was going to lose it.
Turns out I needed to do way less, and listen way more. When I do, the results are profound…
You Have Not Tried Everything!
I remember while complaining about my relationship, telling my coach “I've tried everything!”
And by “everything” I meant, nagging, complaining, blaming and trying to “be nice.” My quiz will give you LOTS of new ideas for things to try that have been proven to help relationships…