If you have been working hard at dating or even just on yourself, to change your past patterns and you haven’t found success, there may be a very important step you are overlooking.
Top 12 Safety Tips for Dating (Including Online)
If you feel unsafe dating, that’s fair. The online dating world is filled with wonderful potential partners, but it also has its fair share of red flags. Scammers, fraudsters, and people with bad intentions do exist, but that doesn’t mean you should live in fear. Healthy relationships start with smart choices, and that includes making sure your first date and beyond are safe experiences.
Get Your Baggage out of Your Dating Life With This Exercise 🙃
If you have been working hard at dating or even just on yourself, to change your past patterns and you haven’t found success there may be a very important step you are overlooking.
Narcissism Is Rampant: How to Identify a Narcissist and Keep Yourself Safe
As a relationship coach, every so often I have to encourage someone to leave their relationship.
But how do we know when it’s time to cut losses?
Values in a Partnership: Figuring Out What You Really Want
My sense of priorities in relationships has changed over the course of coaching. I had to reexamine my values because what I was valuing when I came to coaching wasn’t giving me the relationship I really wanted…
Top 3 Third Date Mistakes To Avoid
The 3rd date is a significant milestone, it assumes you are really interested in each other and attracted– but you need to know some very important things in order to take it further.
Top 3 Second Date Mistakes To Avoid
A couple of weeks ago we discussed the most common 1st date mistakes, if you missed it, here’s the link.
This week, I want to warn you about the 2nd date pitfalls!
3 Most Frequent Mistakes to Avoid on your First Date
Good news, everyone is making the same mistakes and they are fixable.
To save you boredom, frustration and heartache, don’t make these FIRST DATE mistakes:
Why Do Men Talk So Much On First Dates?
Some men are narcissists.
Some men are full of themselves.
Most men are neither.
10 Key Questions To Ask On The First 3 Dates
As a dating coach for women over 50, I give my clients a checklist of things to do. First you need to do some personal growth and reflection on your past.
The New "Honesty Is The Best Policy" In Dating
Is Honesty the Best Policy in Dating?
Now that you are dating over 50, you can finally be honest!
Got Daddy Issues?
A few days ago I found myself saying something for the 3rd time in a week to a 50+ woman who was trying to get back into dating.
“It’s not about whether or not YOU are good enough.”
What Makes 2 People TRULY Compatible: It's Not What You Think
What makes two people truly compatible? It’s not what you think…
Top 5 Reasons To Believe In Love Again
My name is Laurie, and I have been a dating coach for women for the last 20 years. If you are finding love after 50, you must begin with believing it’s possible!
The Top 5 Reasons Women Give Up on Love
Quick question:
What’s the top reason you’ve given up on finding love after 50?
Dating While Mature: Menopausal Mating: 3 Challenges And 5 Mindset Musts
At our age we’ve come to understand we don’t NEED a partner.
You’ve spent plenty of time without one and you are okay.
A Guide To Dating As A Single Mom: Happy Mother's Day
SINGLE MOMS: I’ll give you the bottom line first: A person who doesn’t think your kid(s) is a value add to life itself is not YOUR soulmate!
Divorce Detoxification: Do You Need It?
What happens if you are not OVER your divorce?
The Value Of "Canned Responses" In Effective Dating
Almost every day I hear about the overwhelm and exhaustion women feel when engaged in online dating.
Have you ever just wished you knew all the tricks to make it easier?
To The Ghosted Among Us: Some Important Coaching
If you keep getting your heart broken when you get ghosted, here is the coaching:
Obstacles To The Click
Remember when I talked about “the click”?
It’s when you finally know you are ready to find your soulmate. You’ve stopped whining, resisting and fearing the process or the result.