If you have been working hard at dating or even just on yourself, to change your past patterns and you haven’t found success, there may be a very important step you are overlooking.

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Top 12 Safety Tips for Dating (Including Online)

If you feel unsafe dating, that’s fair. The online dating world is filled with wonderful potential partners, but it also has its fair share of red flags. Scammers, fraudsters, and people with bad intentions do exist, but that doesn’t mean you should live in fear. Healthy relationships start with smart choices, and that includes making sure your first date and beyond are safe experiences.

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dating Laurie Gerber dating Laurie Gerber

Got Daddy Issues?

A few days ago I found myself saying something for the 3rd time in a week to a 50+ woman who was trying to get back into dating.

“It’s not about whether or not YOU are good enough.”

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dating Laurie Gerber dating Laurie Gerber

Obstacles To The Click

Remember when I talked about “the click”?

It’s when you finally know you are ready to find your soulmate. You’ve stopped whining, resisting and fearing the process or the result.

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