“I believe finding and maintaining healthy love is possible for everyone.

Laurie Gerber is an expert in the field of life and relationship coaching with over 20 years of experience coaching thousands of individuals and couples.

Her career started when she herself engaged with a life coach and her life, top to bottom, was changed. After a “near divorce” experience of her own and using The Handel Method® to rebuild her relationship, she knew she must use what she  learned to 
help others.

laurie gerber
laurie gerber

Laurie is focused on meeting women
where they are.

Fiercely Protecting Their Experience

Speaking Honest Truths

Cheering Them On to Be Their Best Selves

Keeping Their Spirits High in the Process

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Take our quiz, Are You Ready to Date Like You Mean It? and learn something about yourself. Dip your toes into the waters of bold honesty, smart action, and dating results.


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Secret Free

What's a secret free diet you ask? Let Laurie—a personal development coach of 20 years—help you start one by telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


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Get serious about finding love and having more fun with our Master the Art of Love comprehensive online course, community, and group and private coaching.