If you have been working hard at dating or even just on yourself, to change your past patterns and you haven’t found success, there may be a very important step you are overlooking.
Top 10 Best Questions to Ask on Your First Date
I have been coaching people for 20 years on how to date effectively, based on Handel Group™’s awesome methodology. I've taught countless clients how to maximize the utility, intimacy, and fun of the first 3 dates, with great questions…
Partner Not Listening? I’ll Show You How to Change That
So many people feel their partners don’t listen well.
Here is what doesn’t work to inspire listening…
Why Dating While Ashamed Doesn't Work and How to Fix it
For every person I coach about dating I find a secret or two hiding in the closet! It’s something they think if others knew– it would mean no chance for them…
Love is the Only Game in Town, Here's How to Play
Love is the only game in town.
In this podcast you’ll hear how to play the game…
How an Expert Masters Love: Take Advantage of My Experience 💖
If I wake up and decide to make pancakes without water, milk and eggs I will definitely have something, but I can assure you, it won't be pancakes…
Would Pavlok-style Shock Therapy Work For Your Relationship Problems?
When I first tried to stop my bad habit of interrupting, it was VERY hard!
I knew it didn’t help my relationship and was considered socially wrong, but I didn’t find I had the willpower to stop…
How to Keep Your Love Connections Fresh, Tight and Lasting
This conversation is full of A-HA moments, tips, and straight up great advice to keep your love connections fresh, tight, and lasting.
My 4 Best "Back to School/Real Life" Hacks
Does your household go haywire in September? Mine does.
Here are the best household hacks I have discovered to make things run more smoothly…
Is the Division of Labor Fair in Your Household? 🙋♀️
I’ll be frank, the patriarchy is really getting on my nerves. There are other battle cries I could sound right now, but given Labor Day tomorrow, this is the one that’s bothering me…
4 Tips for Positioning Negative Feedback So it Can be Heard
Do people get defensive when you give them negative feedback?
Here are 4 tips on how to position negative feedback so the person listening can really hear it!
In Conflict, Do You Own Your Part? Ask Yourself These 8 Questions!
When you are giving negative feedback, do you own your part first?
If you want the person to whom you are complaining to care about your experience…
3 Curious Things We Learned from Practicing Listening 🙉
Yep, we've been practicing our drills and improving our speaking and listening skills. There are 3 important takeaways we've gathered from this work.
How Laurie Gerber Can Fix Your Love Life, According to Vogue Magazine!
I did such a good job with Sophia Bush and Grant Hughes that they mentioned me as their relationship coach in this Vogue article, and asked me to officiate their wedding…
🏆 The Biggest Predictor of Relationship Success Revealed 🥇
What we think are going to be the predictors of success in relationships simply are not!
And now there is scientific proof…
The Secret Ingredients To Getting The Love (And Sex 👉👌) Back
In this podcast, you’ll get the details about putting the “fun” in marriage fundamentals, using sex dates (ooh la la) as an example, and the magic of lube and candles, and finally, an explanation of why if I were a fictional character, I'd be a fairy godmother.
Are you A Good Listener? 👂🙉 Find Out and Fix With These 3 Steps.
Has anyone ever accused you of:
being a bad listener
being “checked out”
not really getting them
losing focus while they are speaking…
The #1 Communication Problem in Couples, Do you have it?
In a recent survey we discovered what couples fight about most.
Communication topped the list with complaints like…
Vacation Planner for Couples and Families
Vacations are something many of us eagerly look forward to, but they can bring a great deal of stress and disappointment. This summer I want you to nerd out in your planning, like I do, to ensure you get what you want and everyone else is happy too!
Father’s Day Re-Imagined
I am writing to people with fathers or without fathers.
Imagine the father you wish you’d had. What’s he like? What traits does he have? How does he talk to you, think about you, behold you?…
How to Stop Predictable Fights in Their Tracks 👣
Quick, without thinking hard, name the top three fights you always have with your partner.
My husband and I fight about money. I am more nervous and controlling, he is more trusting and generous. We fight when we’re hosting guests. Again, he thinks everything will turn out fine. I think he’s checked out, and I think worrying and controlling get the job done. Lastly, if I think we’re having sex, I’ll start a fight...