Charm, Don’t Spook Them: 4 Essential First Date Tips Revealed! 🎃
OCTOBER: the spookiest month in which to date!
Yes, in those early dates your nerves are tingling, you may get chills up your spine or goosebumps. I hope all of that happens: IN A GOOD WAY!
October is a magical month for dating and I want the best of it for you. Get my tricks and treats in tonight’s free webinar.
But sometimes you unintentionally cast a scary spell on your date and send your potential mate running.
Here are the tips to keep your first dates bewitching without the fright factor.
1. No Costumes
This is a metaphor of course. Be yourself. Pretending to me someone you’re not is fun for kids, pretending to be someone you're not (whether it’s pretending to be casual or to like dogs!) will scare away your actual right match!
In my method of coaching, we don’t let our freak flags, or other people’s, freak us out! We believe in waving them so everyone knows who they belong with.
2. Avoid Ghosting
Tell the truth at the end of the date about whether or not you want another one. If you don’t want one, say “it was lovely meeting you but I don’t think we’re a match.”
If you do, attempt to plan the next date so you walk away knowing. If they won’t plan it, or they kick the can down the road, you got your answer. If they say no, say a clean goodbye and appreciate the clarity.
You never need to stay friends with someone you are attracted to, it literally blocks the path on which your actual "one" is arriving. One of you will eventually ghost, so make a clean break once either of you figures out it’s not a match.
3. Leave Your Haunts in the Past
Do you ever feel like the ghost of lovers-past is on a date with you? If you can’t stop bringing up your ex, you need help. The Love Detox will be discussed in tonight’s free webinar.
4. Don’t Scare Them with Speed
In early dating, pacing is key! If you are moving too fast, it’s a sign of desperation or insecurity. If you are with the person that is meant for you, it is going to turn out, and you do not need to RUSH or CRAM.
You have to earn the trust that goes with revealing one’s innermost thoughts and feelings--and sexual intimacy. This happens most healthfully over time.
If you really like someone 2-3 dates a week is plenty and talking over phone or video. If you’re not sure, 1 date a week is plenty! Be mindful, you can’t mess it up with the one.
All the tips and tricks I know for dating like you mean it will be revealed in tonight’s FREE webinar.
Please go ye forth and get more treats than tricks this spooky season!
Why did the vampire go on a date in October?
Because he heard it was a "fang"-tastic time for romance! 🧛♂️🌕