The Antidote To Fear And Loneliness: Gratitude, 8 Ways To Practice It
I understand holidays can:
…remind you of loss
…remind you of loved ones who have passed
…make you feel lonely
…make you feel fat
…make you feel vulnerable to comparison
It can be a very uncomfortable time for many of us. I believe you should feel those feelings and then move in the direction of your dreams by "elevating your state."
How to elevate your mental and emotional state?
In a word: GRATITUDE!
The feeling of gratitude has been proven to elevate mood, immunity and help you sleep better! Imagine what it can do for your love life!
To feel grateful you have to use your imagination to feel that that which you want, you have already received. BTW, this is THE MOST powerful dating mindset and activity.
Here are 8 Ways to Keep a Gratitude Practice Top of Mind:
1) Say blessings: Anything you engage in, recognize how lucky you are: to wake up, to walk, to smell, to enjoy coffee, to eat, to use technology, to see beautiful things, to be with people you love. Bless all of it!
2) Give compliments: Give compliments to anyone you interact with. Make it a game to find something to appreciate.
3) Keep a list: Keep a running list of everything you are grateful for. This can even be futuristic. You can put things that haven’t happened yet.
4) Write thank you notes: At least once a week send a thank you note to someone who has contributed to you, to yourself, to God. Get creative!
5) Leave post-its where you will see them: Leave notes on the fridge, on your mirrors, on the door. Write: “thank you!” or “I am blessed” on them. Whatever works for you!
6) Mark up your mug: Use a sharpie and mark up your favorite glass or mug, write “thank you” on it so you remember gratitude every time you nourish your body with hydration!
7) Say grace before meals: you’re going to eat every day, a sign of the abundance of your life, make it a moment of gratitude for everything you have and everything you desire.
8) Make rituals with friends/family: Whenever you come together make it a practice to state gratitudes out loud so everyone can appreciate the communal abundance. Maybe you do it on Thanksgiving, but what about the rest of the year?