It is YOU That is Holding
YOU Back From Love

There are stark differences between people who enjoy dating and finding their person, and those who do not. Laurie has spent the last 20 years studying those phenomena and has compiled them into one course just for you.

Let’s leverage these learnings together and give you results.

Are you exhausted by dating? Are you starting to lose hope or give up? Are you still not over a past break-up?Do you feel like you just can’t make it work in love?


Are you exhausted by dating? Are you starting to lose hope or give up? Are you still not over a past break-up?Do you feel like you just can’t make it work in love? 〰️

For years I have coached smart, curious, motivated women like you as they navigate life transitions of dating after divorce and an empty nest, all while hoping to find lasting love.

But I wanted to do more. I understand that a coaching rate of $650/session is not accessible for all, yet everyone deserves to experience love.
Master the Art of Love was created to give you the tools to believe in love, find it, and keep it at a fraction of the cost of private coaching.

Introducing the Ultimate Online Relationship Course

Master the Art of Love

Do you believe?

  • Love isn’t possible for you?

  • You won’t pick well or be picked?

  • You don’t think you have what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship?

  • It’s not easy to turn it all around with simple tools?

You Will Discover:

  • The tools to believe in love, find it, and keep it

  • How to fully let go of your past and limiting beliefs

  • How to focus on what you want now, and how to go about dating with Handel Group®’s proven 3H’s method

  • How to keep the love (and sex) great

Master the Art of Love
Course Includes:

Access to These Topics

Total Value: $2,000

  1. Getting Over Past Loves

  2. Must Haves & Deal Breakers

  3. Determining Your True Type

  4. Do’s and Don’ts of Dating

  5. How to Know for Sure in 3 Dates

  6. Red Flags & Sparks Question List

  7. Long-Term Relationship Hacks: Communication, Tools, Sex and Rituals

Access to our Video Library
$1,000 Value

Enjoy an ever-growing list of videos on how to be a successful dater and a successful couple. If you don't see the topic you want, just request it!

Complimentary Premium Community Access
$1,000 Value

Exclusively for like-minded individuals, this community will cater to those seeking personal growth in dating, healing past traumatic breakups, instant dating tips, while also offering a platform to share inspiring dating stories.

1 Year of Monthly Coaching Calls with Laurie
$7,800 Value

Get to the heart of your patterns and break them with Laurie's laser-sharp coaching and ask any questions about the course.

Private Coaching Session with Laurie
$650 Value

If you finish the course, receive a private session with Laurie with specialized homework.

Bonus Worksheets

  • Relationship History Exercise Worksheet: Get crystal clear on your
    patterns and break them

  • Guide: Top 10 Questions to Cover in Your First 3 Dates

  • The Art of A Difficult Conversation: Keep your skills of communication sharp

  • The Love-O-Meter Quiz: See how well you're doing at being a good lover

dating after divorce

Total Value of Course + Bonuses: $12,650

Yours for only $249



“A couple years ago, after my divorce, I finally started to really get how important romantic relationships are and realized I hadn’t created the love I wanted. I decided to work with an expert.  

Laurie helped me figure out the patterns from my past that were having me pick wrong and she gave me skillsets and frameworks to get crystal clear on what I wanted and how to find that while dating. Great combo of realizing what I needed and where I was going wrong. 

As a result,
I met someone extraordinary, created a beautiful love relationship and am now engaged to get married.”

dating after divorce


Just finished the Master the Art of Love course and the amount of value and what you gave...holy moly Laurie! I can meet guys on the apps, I can find dates-- but the amount of value that was there--in HOW to date the right people, how to chart it all, how to make it scientific.

There’s so, so much value here it was ridiculous the amount that I paid. Totally and completely happy.




dating after divorce

Meet Your Coach

Hello, I’m Laurie.

If you are over 50 and looking for love, you’ve come to the right place.

I believe true, lasting love should be possible for anyone who desires it, at any stage of life. I bring 20 years of coaching experience to help women just like you overcome negative patterns, navigate modern dating, and find success.


  • If you are willing to put in the work and follow along with the step-by-step process you will learn how to date in a successful, joyful manner.

  • Most people can complete the program in under 30-days but it is self-paced and you can set your pace based on your desired timeline. You get a year of group coaching to support you in putting everything into practice.

  • I want every customer to be a happy customer. If you sincerely engaged with the course, listening to everything and doing all the exercises in the first 30-days of owning it, and are still not satisfied, just email me and I will refund your payment.

  • Other dating programs address mindset or action but not both. You need both. Other programs have great tips but do not provide a comprehensive framework for shifting your mindset, choosing better and actually dating strategically so that dating is more effective and more fun. This course also leverages the power of an expert coach (who is reachable via our FB page) and an engaged supportive community.

  • At some point in your course you will review all 34 obstacles to finding healthy and lasting love and make sure you’ve addressed all that apply to you. It is very unlikely you have uncovered and addressed all of yours. The only reason I even know this long list is from coaching daters for the last 20 years.

  • When you are sick and tired of the strategies you have already tried. When you are ready to invest in yourself and your happiness-time and money. When you are ready to take a good look at yourself and do the written work it takes to get more conscious of your patterns and break them.

  • Many women I have coached needed to resolve things with family members before really being able to pursue dating effectively. Sometimes your kids aren’t ready even if you are. Good news, all the tools that make you a great communicator with your dates will work on your kids too. It’s all part of the process.

  • Yes, this is the turning point. One of my specialties is helping women who have never had a successful love relationship finally own that they deserve it and then manifest it.

  • It cracks me up how often people think geography will prevent their dating success. It’s never the real obstacle, what a relief! This will work no matter where you live, thanks to the internet and the power of your subconscious mind.

  • You have access to the course for a lifetime. Your group coaching starts as soon as you register but if you miss a group session you can simply watch it later and join in the fun of the community when it works for you.

  • As soon as you sign up you’ll join the community. There you can watch past group sessions to get to know people and immerse yourself in the content and coaching of the course. You’ll also have access to all the modules and bonuses of the course, which you can move through at a pace that works for you.

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