Master the Art of Love

Results and Testimonials from Clients

“I figured out my patterns”

A couple years ago, after my divorce, I finally started to really get how important romantic relationships are and realized I hadn’t created the love I wanted. I decided to work with an expert.  

Laurie helped me figure out the patterns from my past that were having me pick wrong and she gave me skillsets and frameworks to get crystal clear on what I wanted and how to find that while dating. Great combo of realizing what I needed and where I was going wrong. 

As a result,
I met someone extraordinary, created a beautiful love relationship and am now engaged to get married.


Lucid Dreaming Trainer


Clothing Designer

“Dating is Fun and Easy!”

I am 5 dates in with a new guy and it’s all fun, easy and joyful. Finally a person worthy of making it past the first few dates! 

I made all of your tools my own, Laurie–hand writing and continually iterating my charts and trackers.  

I’m excited and scared about this one, because he’s hitting all the marks.  The more I find out (yes I am following my custom list of questions) the more I want to find out!

I literally would not be at this juncture without your guidance and support. I’ve learned so much about myself through this.  

I finally believe love is possible for me and there’s proof!



“The Course is a Game Changer”

Just finished the Master the Art of Love course and the amount of value and what you gave...

Holy moly Laurie! I can meet guys on the apps, I can find dates-- but the value that was there--in HOW to date the right people, how to chart it all, how to make it scientific. It was ridiculous the amount that I paid for all that. Totally and completely happy

What I've done right? Getting off the apps and getting on a video call. I don't need anyone to take me out for dinner, attention, or anything else. A screening process, that is asking intentional questions to learn more about them up front instead of just having great conversations during the initial dates would have been a game changer.

“Never Give Up”

I had almost given up on finding love. I had never given dating much attention and frankly I thought I might be better off without a partner, but something kept driving me to try and find my person.

What I needed was the faith in myself to believe I could make a relationship great and sustain it over time and Laurie’s tools gave me that.

It took a bunch of practice attempts-while I learned to hold firm to what I wanted, honed my “difficult conversation” skills and worked on believing. But then, I met my guy.

It wasn't perfect at first sight, we had to iron some things out–but I knew how. Now, we’re about to meet each other’s parents and I am so happy!


Business Owner



“Dating IS a team sport”

I have a support community in creating new relationships, to hear their challenges which help me better navigate mine which are so often similar.

I have a handbook to navigate finding and nurturing a relationship, and I have the amazing support and honest advice from Laurie, who is always present and ready to answer all my questions and provide advice.




“I can select a good mate”

My challenge was overcoming the mindset that I’m incapable of selecting a good mate.

In the Master the Art of Love course, I realized that there IS someone out there for me and I am capable of creating a healthy, loving, deep relationship. I feel so relieved. I have a game plan for dating–one that’s going to help me systematically weed out the non-compatible ones.

Dating doesn’t seem so daunting now. I am just going to enjoy the process. I’m excited at the prospect of finding that special person.

“The tools are so clear”

I found dating after divorce pretty exhausting and I was looking for a better way.

When I found Laurie’s tools everything became very clear. I not only figured out my exact criteria but also how to articulate that criteria and how to make sure I was getting it. I learned how to ask the right questions on dates and really be myself.

I know Laurie’s dating tools are why I was able to find Chris so quickly and why our relationship is so filled with good communication now. I quickly taught him what I knew so we could make the relationship great together.

He is still amazed by the level of honesty we have between us. It’s been 2 years and we’re growing more and more in love all the time.



“I chose right”

I wasn’t sure what I wanted when I joined Master the Art of Love. I wasn’t thinking about all 3Hs.

The spreadsheet idea put everything out in front of me and enabled me to make a decision. Upon reflection, I realized my boyfriend had everything I wanted.

My win is that I am now happy!


Software Designer

“Preparation is everything”

I've met some really wonderful people on my dates and in the coaching group, and I feel like I've grown as an individual.

I've worked on preparing myself for getting back into dating after ending a serious relationship. I got clear on what I wanted, learned the process of how to move a relationship along, learned my dating patterns, and more.

I've felt more grounded and sure in my dating process. I have a healthier outlook on dating and love.




Non-profit Exec

“I found love”

I wanted to let you know that LM and I have been together for four months now and have a healthy, fun and loving relationship.   We are having a blast - maintaining our independence but spending lots of fun times together. 

We have been away for three romantic getaway weekends and spend three or four nights a week together.  He has met many of my friends and spent time with my parents last weekend when they were in town.  All adore him.

So life is good!

He and I spoke yesterday about how the other has “changed” us - in positive transforming ways.  I feel centered and integrated in a way I have never felt before.

So I just wanted to share that your coaching has truly helped me find and grow a wonderful love in my life.




“I cried when you told me”

No matter how much education I got, books I read, and therapy I did, I couldn’t figure out my love life.

I was a little upset when you picked apart my first list of criteria for my man and told me to throw out a bunch of it.

But then when you told me what you thought I deserved I cried. I didn’t know I was allowed to hope for all the things you were saying–but I grew into your vision for me.

And then I found him. And I became “allergic” to what I had picked in the past.

Now that I found my REAL life partner, I realize how silly my original list was. I am so grateful I get to enjoy the rest of my life with this new man and this new mindset.

Thank you!


Financial Advisor

“Huge impact”

“I want to take a moment and you know what a huge impact you’ve had on me!

Your 3H’s ummm DUH!! Don’t settle! Realizing how I’ve ALWAYS sold off the head and the heart is disappointing and just shocking to me. You made me take a good look at myself.

You are a huge link in my chain of life!

Thank you!

“I’m (re)energized about dating”

Thanks again. I’m (re)energized about dating which has been a sticking point for me especially online (married for many years then divorced a few years-my choice). I so appreciate your approach that we’re trying to quantify the subjective of what I want to find in a relationship. So helpful to have this framework and I love that after 3 dates he has to rate an 8 to continue.

—Susan H.

“I believe finding and maintaining healthy love is possible for everyone.

Laurie Gerber is an expert in the field of life and relationship coaching with over 20 years of experience coaching thousands of individuals and couples.

Her career started when she herself engaged with a life coach and her life, top to bottom, was changed. After a “near divorce” experience of her own, and using the Handel Method®️ to rebuild her relationship, she knew she must use what she learned to help others.